No more Nation states, Please!

Mohammad Aadil Bhutto
3 min readMay 9, 2023


The idea of a nation-state, where a group of people is united by a shared identity, culture, and territory, has been around for centuries and has served as the basis of political organization for most of the modern world. However, as society continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly clear that the nation-state model may not be the most effective way to promote equality, justice, and peace in our globalized world. As someone who believes in the inherent worth and dignity of every human being, I believe that there should not be any nation-state, and instead, we should strive towards a world where everyone is treated as equals and we all work towards a common goal of creating a better future for all.

One of the main reasons why I believe that nation-states are not ideal is that they are often based on arbitrary borders that divide people who are fundamentally the same. The fact that someone is born on one side of a border rather than another should not determine their rights, opportunities, or future prospects. For example, the United States and Mexico share a long border, but the people on either side of the border are not inherently different from each other. Yet, due to the fact that they are divided by a border, people on either side face vastly different living conditions, opportunities, and legal protections.

Furthermore, nation-states often perpetuate a sense of tribalism and identity politics that can lead to extremism, discrimination, and injustice. When people identify strongly with their nation-state, they may see people from other countries as less deserving of respect or rights. This can lead to a dangerous “us vs. them” mentality that fuels conflicts, wars, and human rights abuses. In fact, many of the most horrific acts of violence and oppression in human history have been carried out in the name of nationalism and nation-state identity.

Another problem with nation-states is that they often prioritize the interests of their own citizens over those of people in other countries. This can lead to a lack of international cooperation and coordination on important issues like climate change, poverty, and public health. When each nation-state is primarily concerned with its own well-being, it can be difficult to achieve meaningful progress on global challenges that require collective action.

Furthermore, nation-states can also perpetuate a lack of meritocracy due to their narrow, nationalistic perspective. For example, in some countries, certain groups are systematically excluded from positions of power or influence simply because they belong to a particular ethnic or religious group. This can lead to a lack of diversity and innovation, as well as perpetuate unjust power dynamics.

Religion can also play a role in the nation-state vision, which can lead to extremism and discrimination. For example, in Pakistan, the country’s constitution requires that the President and Prime Minister be Muslim, effectively excluding non-Muslims from holding these positions. Additionally, religious minorities in Pakistan, such as Hindus and Christians, face discrimination and persecution at the hands of the majority Muslim population. Similarly, in India, Hindu nationalism has led to increased discrimination against religious minorities, particularly Muslims.

In conclusion, I believe that the nation-state model is outdated and does not serve the best interests of humanity. Instead, we should strive towards a world where everyone is treated as equals, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, or other arbitrary factors. We should work towards a “human state” where everyone’s rights and dignity are respected and protected. This will require a fundamental shift in the way we think about our collective identity and our place in the world. But if we can make this shift, I believe that we can create a more just, peaceful, and prosperous world for all.

As a mechanical engineering student with a passion for music, books, and writing, I have always been fascinated by the power of words to convey complex emotions and ideas. Through my work as a freelance writer, I have had the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics and themes, from science and technology to love, loss, and the human condition. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential writing project, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at



Mohammad Aadil Bhutto

Mechanical engineering student with a passion for writing about topics that matter to everyone.